Philippe Brottes Joins oriGIn Expert Meeting

Philippe Brottes Joins oriGIn Expert Meeting on GI Protection
Philippe Brottes, Associate Partner at KATZAROV SA – Patent & Trademark Attorneys, participated in the 2024 oriGIn, the Organization for an international Geographical Indications network Expert Meeting held in Geneva on October 10-11, 2024.
This annual event brought together 180 participants from 35 countries, all part of the global Geographical Indications (GI) community, to discuss critical topics related to the protection and enforcement of GIs.
The two-day meeting covered key issues such as:
- Evocation beyond the EU
- Protection of GIs used as ingredients
- Global challenges in trademark applications in conflict with GIs
- Best practices for consumer surveys in GI cases
- Latest trends in online GI protection
Philippe’s participation at this event reflects Katzarov SA’s ongoing commitment to staying at the forefront of IP law and providing expert guidance on GI protection strategies across Switzerland and internationally and on trademark protection strategies in the face of the complexity of geographical indications in Switzerland and abroad.
If you would like to explore how we can assist with your Geographical Indications or Intellectual Property needs, feel free to reach out to Philippe Brottes or any of our team members.